Buck Rogers and his pal Buddy (Jackie Moran) are released from suspended animation after 500 years. They discover that the world is under the thumb of modernistic mobster Killer Kane (Anthony Warde), and are enlisted in the fight against Kane by Wilma Deering (Constance Moore) and Dr. Huer (C. Montague Shaw).
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June 3, 2016 Subject:
The Prologue is from the 1950s
There must have been a shortage of Saturday Matinee fare for the kids in the 1950s... what with television!
So they dusted off a 1935 serial, hired someone already in the building to say UFOs are unidentified and that science fiction has sometimes come to pass, and released (or allowed to escape) this film.
The 5 stars are for the film itself and not the 'modern' bumpers.
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October 22, 2007 Subject:
Buck Rogers
enjoy this a lot, are there more Buck Rogers movies from this time?
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September 9, 2007 Subject:
This is a great movie! It has great dialog and great acting. The effects are quite dated but hey, its entertaining! Buster Crabbe is really a good actor. It would be nice if todays movies had more actual plot and dialog.
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June 29, 2007 Subject:
If you liked the serials you'll enjoy this.
I downloaded the mpeg1 file. The audio and video are fine.